Reed Biotech and NuoMin KeDa Biotech jointly present: The bright night of Feast of Winter Veil, Go to the warm holiday feast together.
Publish:2023-12-25 Source:ReedBiotech Views:211

When the winter winds touch the earth and the white snowflakes fall profusely, the desire for warmth and togetherness arises in the human heart. As the Feast of Winter Veil approached, our company changed into festive costumes. From the door to the corridor, and the office to the meeting room, everywhere is filled with the joy and sweet of the holiday. A variety of auspicious decorative paintings and winter themed decorations at the entrance add a warm color to this winter.


The Christmas tree at the gate is hung with a string of flashing lights, leading every staff into a dazzling fairy tale world, which makes people feel like being in a Christmas market in northern Europe. This dress not only makes the staff feel like the festival atmosphere, but also makes the visiting customers and partners feel that our company attaches importance to and celebrates this special moment.

The atmosphere and costumes created by the company for this Feast of Winter Veil add more color and vitality to this winter. In such a warm and vibrant environment, every staff can more fully participate in the joy and celebration of the holiday.

The Feast of Winter Veil

In such a season full of expectations, we finally ushered in the annual Winter Curtain Festival, and this time, it brought us unparalleled warmth and joy with a unique roast whole sheep feast.

With the festive bells ringing melodious, we gathered in the venue decorated with colorful lights and festive ribbons. In the center is a huge rack of roasted whole lamb, the golden light reflects the roasted sheep and gives off an attractive aroma. The skin of the roast lamb is golden and crispy, and the meat is tender and juicy, and every bite is the ultimate temptation for the taste buds, and you can't help but pick it up again and again.


In the feast of roasted whole sheep, Lu Yiming, CEO of Reed Biotech, and Qin Yuanyuan, CEO of Nuomin Keda, stood up and prepared to address all the employees and partners present.

Mr. Lu Yiming cleared his throat and began to speak with a smile: "I am very glad that in this cold winter night, we can celebrate the Feast of Winter Veil with friends and business friends here. Tonight, is a wonderful occasion for us at Reed Biotech and Nuominkoda, and I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the preparation of this event, because of your hard work, we have the opportunity to gather together on such a wonderful evening. I also want to thank everyone who is here to make this night even brighter. Let's enjoy the delicious roast of whole sheep together and feel the warmth and happiness of the festival. "

Then, Mr. Qin Yuanyuan, took the microphone and said with a sincere smile: "Today, I am honored to celebrate with friends of Reddy Biology. Our partnership is as warm and powerful as the aroma of roasted lamb. In the future, Nuomin Keda will continue to work hand in hand with Reddy Biology to jointly open up a broader market and create more possibilities. Thank you for your support, let's work together to create brilliant!"

The speeches of the leaders gradually ended in a warm atmosphere. Their words were full of emotion, affirming the efforts and efforts of the past year, and inspiring everyone's hearts with a hopeful outlook for the future. With such encouragement, our mood is more happy and we are full of more expectations for the New Year.

Later, enthusiastic Mongolian singers came to the yurt to sing songs for everyone. They wore traditional Mongolian costumes and carried ethnic instruments such as the Morinkhuur. Their songs were loud and passionate, and the melody was melodramatic, as if they led everyone present through time and space to experience the freedom and wild depths of the grassland. Under their guidance, the scene was quickly enveloped in a cheerful atmosphere, and the Mongolian singers' performance was not only a musical feast, but also a cultural exchange and a touch of the soul.

Slowly, with the flowing of the song, some colleagues were also infected by this enthusiasm, and they showed their talents on stage and presented beautiful songs, and each table was filled with laughter and applause. The performance of the colleagues added infinite fun to the party, and also deepened the friendship between each other and the cohesion of the team.

In this warm and vibrant atmosphere, the feast of roasted whole lamb reached its climax. The perfect combination of food and art made everyone feel an extraordinary happiness and contentment, and this evening was destined to be an unforgettable moment in everyone's memory.



When the night grew darker, we lit the bonfire, its light illuminates every face like the warm winter sun. We gathered around the campfire, sharing stories, singing and laughing together, forming a warm and harmonious picture.

In this Feast of Winter Veil, we not only tasted delicacy, but also harvested the strength of warmth and reunion. In the carnival of this festival, we blessed each other, with a good vision for the future, and move forward to the New Year together.